Charles Stotz, Chief Electrician, USS Illinois – The Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean

One of the strengths of this collection was that Charles was on Illinois, in the Second Squadron and went to China.  His ship also was assigned to visit Algeria.  Both ports difficult to find cards from fleet sailors.


"Just returned aboard, have been on the go all day good and hard.  Took train from Yokohama and went to Tokyo.  Spent greater part of the day then came back to Yokohama about 6 pm.  Enjoyed day very much.


yokohama, japan

A visit to Amoy, China

Amoy, China  November 1st, 1908

This is the mode of  conveyance in Japan and China.  They are very comfortable but it is not just what I should choose.  However, (when in Rome do as Romans do)

Much love to you, Charlie

It is unusual  to find so many cards from one individual who visited Amoy.  Because of the fire that occurred in the building where the mail was staged, much of the outgoing mail was lost.  The card below shows the view of the harbor where the fleet anchored for the visit.  Plans in the international settlement were limited to a few specific organized events and it is my understanding they were limited to officers.

Colombo, Ceylon

the suez canal and cairo, egypt

algers, gibraltar, and then home


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