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This collection of postcards were mailed by Chief Carpenter Taylor home to his daughter and his wife. It is made up of postcards sent from many of the ports. Some of the cards we probably sent with letters and are not posted but included in the collection show. The collection is divided into three areas shown in the navigation bar to the left. The highlight of this collection is from the cards sent from Naples, Italy. Charles, as the Chief Carpenter for the USS Connecticut, was probably one of the very few who was allowed ashore in Naples during the ships visit between January 11th and 20th.
Below, are cards that we sent home prior to the Fleet's departure. Below is a photo of the Crew of the Connecticut mailed in June, 1907. From the log of Private Hedlick, The ship arrived in Hampton Roads on the 5th and had a big parade on the 7th, the day this card and the card of the ship, below were mailed. These were both canceled at Fortress Monroe.
This second card was also mailed the afternoon of the 7th from Fortress Monroe. Both cards were published with an undivided back. The card below is probably a photograph that was taken shortly after Connecticut was commissioned.
president roosevelt at the jamestown exposition
President Roosevelt wisely chose to use the Jamestown Exposition as a chance to show the Nation his new battleship fleet and the strength of the American Navy. On April 13, 1907 the battleship Connecticut arrived in Hampton Roads and, at the Jamestown Exposition, transferred Admiral Evans flag aboard the ship. On April 26th, President Roosevelt was present for the official opening of the Exposition. He was on the Mayflower to receive a salute for the American and foreign warships present for the exposition. On December 16th he would do the same to see the ships off on the trip. Below are three of the cards Charles sent home.
jamestown official souvenir poscards
Charles sent home a sent of cards that was issued for the Jamestown Exposition. Some had notations, most did not. As they were not posted, he probably sent them in a single envelope.